LEGAL MATTERS: Government needs to uphold our Constitution

ZIMBABWE has a very progressive Constitution and if those who preside over State power were to adhere to its dictates, our country would take a thrilling developmental trajectory.
A Constitution just being a piece of paper, requires men and women of character and fortitude to have its provisions implemented for a resultant better nation.
Great nations are not only founded on sound constitutions and political stability, but such nations are presided over or have been ruled, if we are to look into history, by men of vision.
The 2013 Constitution could have easily been made a good catalyst to stimulate national and international confidence for purposes of creating a thriving business environment.
To the contrary, the document is being given less respect than it deserves and we continue to witness the shrinking of our economy and the creation of a brittle, weak State with collapsing social services and infrastructure, left, right and centre.


The Constitution is clear about what is expected from the defense forces.

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