THE government is establishing private sector-led chrome and coal processing facilities as part of the deliverables from the Mines ministry under the 100-day cycle programme.
Information minister Monica Mutsvangwa told the media after this week’s Cabinet meeting that the Mines ministry would promote sustainable exploration, mining, beneficiation, value addition, marketing and management of mineral resources.
“The deliverables of the ministry will encompass improving the country’s ease of doing business ranking as well as business earnings from beneficiated and value-added minerals,” Mutsvangwa said.
“The ministry will also establish private sector-led chrome to ferrochrome processing facilities and coal to coke processing plants while facilities for locally cut and polished diamonds will be prioritised. Private sector-led service centres will also be established, while the mining cadastre information management system will be operationalised”.
Mutsvangwa said the Mines ministry would ensure amendment of the Mines and Minerals Act, the Gold Trade Act, and the Precious Stones Act and the development of a Minerals Development
Policy, an Artisanal Small Scale Gold Mining Strategy, and a Beneficiation and Value Addition Strategy.
“A Mining Industry Loan Fund will be established to capacitate small-scale miners. Prospecting will be enhanced, new mines opened, existing mines expanded and closed mines such as Shabani-Mashava will be re-opened,” Mutsvangwa added.
Zimbabwe holds the world’s second largest chrome resources at 12 percent, after South Africa at 72 percent. Chrome ore is a key ingredient in stainless steel.
While South Africa recently approved a tax on exported chrome, Zimbabwe currently allows the export of chrome ore. The Chamber of Mines Zimbabwe (CoMZ) told The Financial Gazette recently that issues that have previously reduced investment appetite in the chrome sector remain.
“Mining is a long term, high capital investment and requires a fairly high degree of confidence in the deposits of at least 30 percent typically. Exploration work will need to be done to upgrade in this area to attract investments,” CoMZ chief executive, Issac Kwesu, said.
Chrome ore is a relatively low value high volume commodity that requires efficient bulk movement for viability and typically gets to global markets via sea-going bulk vessels.
Meanwhile, a Chinese company, Tutu, said in February that it would invest US$80 million in building a coke oven battery in Hwange which it plans to bring online next year.
The coke ovens have an annual production capacity of 300 000 tonnes.
Coke, whose by-products include crude tar, benzol and coke oven gas, is a critical component in ferrochrome and stainless-steel production and has high export demand.
Hwange Colliery Company decommissioned its coke ovens in 2014, after they became too expensive to operate.
Zimbabwe is pushing for beneficiation of minerals to boost revenues, encourage formation of new businesses and create jobs. The country is also expected to finalise its platinum beneficiation framework this year, ahead of the introduction of penalties designed to encourage local processing of the mineral.
Zimbabwe has set itself a target of achieving a US$12 billion mining industry by 2023. Under the roadmap, gold is expected to contribute US$4 billion, platinum US$3 billion while chrome, iron, steel, diamonds and coal will contribute US$1 billion. Lithium is expected to contribute US$500 million while other minerals will contribute US$1,5 billion.