THE Tourism Business Council of Zimbabwe (TBCZ), says the country should step up enforcement of Covid-19 protocols, such as masking up and social distancing, to avoid future lockdowns and avert a total collapse of the sector.
Infections had been waning towards the end of last year but have been on the rise since the discovery of the Omicron variant.
Scientists say Omicron is more transmissible than previous variants and this has led to fears of another lockdown in the vulnerable tourism sector, after schools failed to reopen this week for non-examination classes.
TBCZ — the tourism industry’s apex body — president Wengayi Nhau told The Financial Gazette this week that Covid-19 was expected to be around for the foreseeable future and as such lockdowns were now impractical. He emphasised that prospects for the sector were dependent on the management of the pandemic going f
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