ZIMBABWE legalised industrial hemp farming in 2019 before promulgating a statutory instrument guiding its production in 2020. At least 26 producers are currently licensed to produce the crop in Zimbabwe. Our Senior Staff Writer Farai Mabeza (FM) caught up with Agriculture Marketing Authority (AMA) chief executive Clever Isaya (CI) to talk about progress that has so far been made in the production of the crop. Below are excerpts of the interview:
FM: What progress have you so far made in hemp production?
CI: The growing of cannabis is strictly for medicinal and scientific use and is governed by the Dangerous Drugs (Production of Cannabis for Medicinal and Scientific Use) Regulations, 2018. It is under the purview of the ministry of Health and Child Care. Industrial hemp is regulated by AMA through Statutory Instrument 218 of 2020. The production of industrial hemp is so far at a very minimal level. However, of late more farmers have begun to make enquiries and express interest to venture into hemp f
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