A NEW dawn beacons at the tax office of the country, Zimra. The Tax and Revenue Management System …
Marvelous Tapera
UNDERSTANDING the implications of Zimbabwean tax collection measures requires an appreciation of a taxpayer’s obligation and the extent of the revenue authority’s administrative powers.
An employee is a person who performs services for an entity under the direction and control of that …
https://staging.fingaz.co.zw/wp-content/uploads/penci-text-to-speech/post-294200.mp3?cb=1732287744.mp3Over the years, the London Interbank Offered Rate of Exchange (LIBOR) has been the most frequently used benchmark …
https://staging.fingaz.co.zw/wp-content/uploads/penci-text-to-speech/post-293732.mp3?cb=1732287743.mp3OPERATING in a multicurrency environment is a hectic experience, fiscal and monetary policy measures keep getting revised and …
https://staging.fingaz.co.zw/wp-content/uploads/penci-text-to-speech/post-291903.mp3?cb=1732289851.mp3IN the past, the computation and declaration of PAYE was not an issue because the bond notes and …
Columns & CommentTax Matters
TAX MATTERS: Are partnerships a tax effective way to structure a business?
https://staging.fingaz.co.zw/wp-content/uploads/penci-text-to-speech/post-290925.mp3?cb=1732289851.mp3Structuring a business as a company is often seen as a fashion without considering the tax and commercial …
Columns & CommentTax Matters
MAX MATTERS: Withholding taxes on contracts possible threat to food security
https://staging.fingaz.co.zw/wp-content/uploads/penci-text-to-speech/post-290795.mp3?cb=1732289854.mp3The pangs of the post Covid-19 crisis coupled with the recent Russia-Ukraine war have put an unprecedented strain …
TRANSFER pricing is not an exact science. It involves the pricing of goods or services outside normal commercial …
Columns & CommentTax Matters
LEGAL MATTERS: Assessed losses: A technical cushion for taxpayers in Zimbabwe
https://staging.fingaz.co.zw/wp-content/uploads/penci-text-to-speech/post-290134.mp3?cb=1732293707.mp3The tax treatment of assessed losses in Zimbabwe is an important issue for businesses operating in the country. …
https://staging.fingaz.co.zw/wp-content/uploads/penci-text-to-speech/post-290068.mp3?cb=1732293707.mp3IT is trite to say that tax evasion is not only a problem in Zimbabwe but also in …