CHURCHES bring together people of the same faith and beliefs to worship under one roof and often under …
Legal Matters
Arbitration is the out-of-court resolution of a dispute between two business parties by an unbiased third party, the arbitrator. Arbitration may appear to the uninitiated as the less appealing relative of litigation.
Columns & CommentLegal Matters
LEGAL MATTERS: Key clauses in sportspersons’ contracts
by Hilary Muzaby Hilary Muza 0 minutes readSPORTS law is one of the fastest evolving areas of law in the world. Oftentimes, basic concepts of …
Columns & CommentLegal Matters
LEGAL MATTERS: Why sports contracts are key for professional athletes
by Hilary Muzaby Hilary Muza 0 minutes readBusiness has become an essential aspect in organised sports. Sport is popular because there is massive investment behind …
Columns & CommentLegal Matters
LEGAL MATTERS Mediation a viable alternative to litigation
by Hilary Muzaby Hilary Muza 0 minutes readOften, when parties realise that a legal dispute has arisen due to, say, the performance or interpretation of …
Columns & CommentLegal Matters
LEGAL MATTERS: Can you rely on an unsigned contract?
by Hilary Muzaby Hilary Muza 0 minutes readCONTRACTS are always signed in the anticipation of mutual benefit. It could be the beginning of good things …
Columns & CommentLegal Matters
LEGAL MATTERS: Unpacking issues around bigamy
by Hilary Muzaby Hilary Muza 0 minutes readBIGAMY occurs when a person marries another person while they are still married. To avoid bigamy, simply do …
Columns & CommentLegal Matters
LEGAL MATTERS: Layoffs and constructive dismissal in Covid era
by Hilary Muzaby Hilary Muza 0 minutes readTHE term constructive dismissal relates to a situation where an employee terminates the employment relationship with or without …
Columns & CommentLegal Matters
LEGAL MATTERS: Understanding real estate investment trusts
by Hilary Muzaby Hilary Muza 0 minutes readTO understand what real estate investment trusts (Reits) are all about, the first order of business is to …
Columns & CommentLegal Matters
LEGAL MATTERS: How to evict a commercial tenant
by Hilary Muzaby Hilary Muza 0 minutes readTHERE are two principal ways in which one can get an unwanted tenant to leave their property. Firstly, …
Columns & CommentLegal Matters
LEGAL MATTERS: Crop insurance and the tobacco sector
by Hilary Muzaby Hilary Muza 0 minutes readTHE farming season is upon us. This means that various crops, including maize and tobacco, are now in …