POSB Bank says it will this year focus on digital transformation to grow non-funded income.Advertisements
National Report
No progress on government, Border Timbers settlement
by Mishma Chakanyuka, Staff Writer 0 minutes readBORDER Timbers (Border) says no finalisation has yet been reached in ongoing negotiations with the government on the settlement of the company’s award from a 2015 arbitration.Advertisements
National Report
Tourism bullish as peak season approaches
by Farai Mabeza, Senior Staff Writer 0 minutes readZIMBABWE’S tourism is gearing up for its peak season amid sentiments that the worst is now behind it after two years of Covid-19-induced interruptions.Advertisements
Top Stories
The devil of digital currency in details
by Emmerson Njanjamangezi, Group Features Editor 0 minutes readTHE plan by authorities to introduce a gold-backed digital currency has received mixed responses from economic experts.Advertisements
National Report
‘Power key to attaining mining targets’
by Mishma Chakanyuka, Staff Writer 0 minutes readTHE Chamber of Mines says the attainment of Zimbabwe’s target of a US$12 billion mining industry depends on the availability of adequate power.Advertisements
Companies & Markets
Willdale sets sight on regional markets
by Almot Maqolo, Staff Writer 0 minutes readWILLDALE says it has set its sights on exporting its products to Mozambique and Zambia to boost its foreign currency generation.Advertisements
Top Stories
Chinese citrus deal excites Zimbabwe
by Farai Mabeza, Senior Staff Writer 0 minutes readThe Zimbabwean government is upbeat about the prospects of local horticulture products gaining access to the Chinese market after the signing of a citrus trade protocol between the two countries.Advertisements
ZIMBABWE’S diamond production increased by 62,2 percent to 1,52 million carats in the fourth quarter of 2022, from 942 000 carats produced in the fourth quarter of 2021, a new …
A LOCAL research firm, Akribos, says transactional dollarisation will likely continue to expand as economic actors try to hedge against currency risk in a high inflationary environment.Advertisements
National Report
Funding squeeze hits sub-Saharan Africa
by Mishma Chakanyuka, Staff Writer 0 minutes readPERSISTENT global inflation and tighter monetary policies have led to higher borrowing costs for sub-Saharan African countries and placed greater pressure on exchange rates, the International Monetary Fund (IMF) has …