A Mexican golf course designed by Tiger Woods will host the 2023 World Wide Technology Championship.Advertisements
Top Stories
Zimbabwe steps up bid to cut rice imports
by Emmerson Njanjamangezi, Group Features Editor 0 minutes readZIMBABWE is making a renewed push to increase rice production as it aims to cut imports of the commodity by US$100 million, with authorities stepping up efforts to encourage smallholder …
ZC bans two players for recreational drug use
by Paul Nyakazeya, Group Digital Editor 0 minutes readZIMBABWE Cricket (ZC) has suspended two emerging players for three months for using a recreational drug in an out-of-competition case.Advertisements
Zim’s Agriculture – Past, Present, Future: Reliving former glory of cotton-textile value chain
by Paul Nyakazeya, Group Digital Editor 0 minutes readRECENTLY, I drove past the Kadoma Cotton Research Institute and adjacent is the equally historic Cotton Training Centre. I found myself having vivid recollections of how the cotton-textile (CT) value …
Top Stories
Zimbabwe needs US$2bln to meet irrigation targets
by Farai Mabeza, Senior Staff Writer 0 minutes readACCORDING to official estimates, Zimbabwe has enough water resources to irrigate over 2 million hectares. However, only 216 000 hectares are currently equipped with irrigation infrastructure. Our Senior Staff Writer …
Companies & Markets
Old Mutual Zimbabwe bids to increase financial literacy training
by Emmerson Njanjamangezi, Group Features Editor 0 minutes readDIVERSIFIED financial services group, Old Mutual Zimbabwe, says it will this year increase financial literacy education programmes in a bid to reach out to remote areas in the country.Advertisements
ANY moves by the governmentvto abandon fiscal prudence and appease its employees and voters ahead of this year’s national elections will spell doom for the Zimbabwe dollar and the economy.Advertisements …
Companies & Markets
PPC engages government over power crisis
by Mishma Chakanyuka, Staff Writer 0 minutes readREGIONAL cement manufacturer, PPC, says its Zimbabwean unit has engaged authorities on mitigating the impact of insufficient power supply on critical industrial sectors.Advertisements
National Report
OM wary of economic headwinds in region
by Mishma Chakanyuka, Staff Writer 0 minutes readFINANCIAL services group, Old Mutual, says it expects macroeconomic conditions in its markets in the southern African region to remain challenging in the foreseeable future.Advertisements
National Report
CBZ makes forays into mobile credit service
by Almot Maqolo, Staff Writer 0 minutes readCBZ Holdings (CBZ) says it is working on the possibility of extending credit through its money transfer platform to promote financial inclusion.Advertisements