ZIMBABWE expects to ramp up value addition and beneficiation of minerals as well as mining expansion on the back of a US$10 million gold facility.Advertisements
Top Stories
Zimbabwe pushes for responsible mining
by Mishma Chakanyuka, Staff Writer 0 minutes readTHE government says it is working on several initiatives aimed at promoting sustainable mining.Advertisements
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‘Technology key to boost horticulture’
by Mishma Chakanyuka, Staff Writer 0 minutes readPLAYERS in the horticulture sector say the country needs to invest in technology for their products to meet global standards.Advertisements
ZIMBABWE’S premier business and financial newspaper, The Financial Gazette, will host its annual tax review meeting on March 2 this year, aimed at providing insights and trends on tax compliance …
National Report
Potraz sees resilience in telecoms industry
by Almot Maqolo, Staff Writer 0 minutes readPLAYERS in the telecommunications sector have been resilient despite foreign currency shortages that have inhibited network quality in the country, the industry’s regulator has said.Advertisements
Companies & Markets
Hippo Valley holds firm against imports
by Farai Mabeza, Senior Staff Writer 0 minutes readSUGAR producer Hippo Valley Estates says it has managed to hold firm against imports despite a three percent dip in industry-wide domestic sales after import duty was lifted.Advertisements
FOREIGNERS’ activity on the Zimbabwe Stock Exchange (ZSE) continues to be skewed towards sales as the migration of issuers to a US dollar-denominated market — the Victoria Falls Stock Exchange …
NAMPAK Zimbabwe (Nampak) says the business environment in Zimbabwe will remain difficult as long as power challenges persist.Advertisements
MEIKLES says all its operating subsidiaries generated positive cash flows in the third quarter ended December 31, 2022, despite a challenging operating environment in Zimbabwe.Advertisements
National Report
Drive for infrastructure funds stepped up
by Farai Mabeza, Senior Staff Writer 0 minutes readTRANSPORT and Infrastructure minister Felix Mhona says Zimbabwe will have to be innovative to raise funds for national infrastructure projects to make up for the lack of concessionary funding in …