INDIA’S ambassador to Zimbabwe, Vijay Khanduja, says companies from his country are eager to seize investment opportunities in Zimbabwe’s energy sector and help alleviate the country’s and southern Africa’s crippling …
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Retention thresholds should be consistent: FBC Securities
by Mishma Chakanyuka, Staff Writer 0 minutes readFBC Securities says monetary authorities must be consistent when dealing with retention thresholds to attract investment into the country.Advertisements
ZIMBABWE’s inflation will gradually decline to single-digit levels by 2025, research firm Fitch Solutions (Fitch) has said.Advertisements
National Report
National Foods upbeat after VFEX listing
by Farai Mabeza, Senior Staff Writer 0 minutes readNEWLY-listed Victoria Falls Stock Exchange (VFEX) counter, National Foods (NatFoods), says it remains positive on Zimbabwe’s economic outlook as it targets investments totalling US$30 million by year-end.Advertisements
Companies & Markets
Econet seeks another review of tariffs
by Almot Maqolo, Staff Writer 0 minutes readZIMBABWE’S largest telecommunications company, Econet Wireless (Econet), says the regulated tariff reviews are being done at a below inflation rate.Advertisements
National Report
Powerspeed contends with informal sector
by Almot Maqolo, Staff Writer 0 minutes readPOWERSPEED says it is banking on high-quality merchandise to give it a competitive edge in an environment that is skewed in favour of informal business.Advertisements
Companies & Markets
Art wary of short-term borrowing risk
by Mishma Chakanyuka, Staff Writer 0 minutes readAMALGAMATED Regional Trading Holdings (Art) says it remains wary of the risk posed by short-term borrowings and is working to refinance these with suitable facilities.Advertisements
AGRICULTURE minister Anxious Masuka says the country will increase the area planted for wheat from about 80 000 hectares to 85 000 hectares during this year’s winter cropping season.Advertisements
National Report
‘Pure Oil meets 47pct of cooking oil demand’
by Almot Maqolo, Staff Writer 0 minutes readPURE Oil Industries (Pure Oil), which manufactures the popular ZimGold cooking oil, says it is supplying nearly 47 percent of the Zimbabwean market demand due to improvements in operating efficiencies.Advertisements
National Report
‘Preserve value of insurance products’
by Farai Mabeza, Senior Staff Writer 0 minutes readZIMBABWE needs products that cover loss of value in the insurance and pensions industry amid dollarisation pressures within the economy, a senior banking official has said.Advertisements