VAST Resources (Vast) says the High Court of Zimbabwe has ordered the release of its 129 400 carats of rough diamonds, which have been in the custody of the Reserve …
Companies & Markets
CFI sales hit by 2022 drought
by Farai Mabeza, Senior Staff Writer 0 minutes readCFI Holdings says aggregate demand for its retail products during the year ended September 30, 2022, fell following a below-normal 2021/22 agriculture season.Advertisements
Companies & Markets
Ecocash aims to grow USD business
by Mishma Chakanyuka, Staff Writer 0 minutes readECOCASH Holdings Zimbabwe (Ecocash) says it is focusing on growing its US dollar-denominated mobile transactions in light of the increased use of the greenback in the country.Advertisements
THE price of Seed Co’s shares has more than doubled on the Zimbabwe Stock Exchange (ZSE) since the company announced plans to move to the Victoria Falls Stock Exchange (VFEX) …
PLATINUM Group Metals (PGMs) output at the Shurugwi-based Unki mine increased 13 percent to 232 100 ounces in 2022 from 204 600 ounces in 2021, but fell in the fourth …
Companies & Markets
Prospect begins phase 2 drilling programme
by Paul Nyakazeya, Group Digital Editor 0 minutes readAUSTRALIA-LISTED exploration and development company, Prospect Resources, says it has begun a phase two drilling programme at its Step Aside lithium project.Advertisements
National Report
NBS to expand branch network
by Emmerson Njanjamangezi, Group Features Editor 0 minutes readNATIONAL Building Society (NBS) says it will this year expand its branch network as it diversifies its portfolio of investments.Advertisements
National Report
Africa Albida occupancies on recovery path
by Mishma Chakanyuka, Staff Writer 0 minutes readHOSPITALITY group, Africa Albida Tourism (AAT), says it is optimistic about its destination occupancy levels as it has recovered up to 70 percent of the 2019 occupancy figures.Advertisements
Top Stories
Contango targets 20 000 tonnes coking coal output
by Almot Maqolo, Staff Writer 3 minutes readCONTANGO Holdings says its wash plant will be able to generate 20 000 tonnes of washed coking coal each month once it has been calibrated and is working effectively. Advertisements …
Columns & CommentTax Matters
TAX MATTERS: Income tax claims no longer walk in the park
by Marvelous Tapera 0 minutes read fiscal tax invoice has always been known to be a document provided by a registered operator and central to the claiming of input tax. Not only does it act …