THE Postal and Telecommunications Regulatory Authority of Zimbabwe (Potraz) says local voice and data tariffs remain the lowest in the region, even after the recent adjustments.Advertisements
ZIMBABWE’S nickel exports hit an all-time high of US$533 million in September this year, up from US$394 million during the 11 months to December 2018 due to increased global demand, …
THE speed at which Africa is currently embracing technological disruption gives the feeling of a continent on a mission to make up for the time and opportunity lost during the …
THE Confederation of Zimbabwe Industries (CZI) says capacity utilisation is set to decline much more than expected this year as power shortages continue to impede productivity.Advertisements
THE Securities and Exchange Commission of Zimbabwe (SecZim) Seczim has blamed the central bank for failing to operationalise a US$5 million facility set up more than two years ago to …
THE Chamber of Mines of Zimbabwe (CoMZ) says miners continue to face power challenges despite entering into a special agreement with ZESA Holdings (ZESA) for ring-fenced power supply.Advertisements
OLD Mutual Securities (OMSEC) says investors should buy stocks from Axia Corporation Limited (Axia), African Sun Limited (ASL), Turnall, Padenga and OK Zimbabwe for better returns.Advertisements
FALCON Gold Zimbabwe (Falgold) shares spiked to a four-year high in October after gaining 20 percent on the Zimbabwe Stock Exchange (ZSE) to close at three cents.Advertisements
TRANSPORT minister Joel Matiza says the Civil Aviation Authority of Zimbabwe (CAAZ)’s restructuring exercise has delayed the appointment of a new board for the parastatal.Advertisements
FINANCE minister Mthuli Ncube’s rosy growth projections for next year are unattainable — due to the country’s worsening economic climate, mounting fiscal pressures, waning investor confidence and continuing policy flip-flops, …