THE deputy chief secretary in the office of the President, Willard Manungo says the government has embraced genome editing tools and recognised its immense potential for revolutionising agriculture, health, and …
Companies & Markets
Zimbabwe firms target big business at Africa fair
by Farai Mabeza, Senior Staff Writer 0 minutes readNATIONAL trade development and promotion organisation, ZimTrade, expects local companies to tie up deals worth at least US$20 million at the third Intra-Africa Trade Fair (IATF), held in Cairo, Egypt …
Companies & MarketsUncategorized
‘US$ tariffs could revive innovation’
by Almot Maqolo, Staff Writer 0 minutes readEXPERTS say the adoption of US dollar-pegged tariffs for telecommunication services could boost the sector’s capacity to invest in critical infrastructure.Advertisements
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Cement crisis ‘snuffs out’ construction momentum
by Mishma Chakanyuka, Staff Writer 2 minutes readTHE Zimbabwe Building and Construction Association (ZBCA) says disruptions in the supply of cement have significantly slowed momentum in the sector, which had gathered pace.Advertisements This comes as the industry …
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Business is singing the blues over Zesa
by Farai Mabeza, Senior Staff Writer 0 minutes readBUSINESS is dismayed that authorities continue to approve power utility Zesa Holdings (Zesa)’s electricity tariff hikes without ensuring increased energy supply in the country.Advertisements
THE United Nations (UN) resident and humanitarian coordinator, Edward Kallon, says Zimbabwe needs access to global finance to boost industrialisation.Advertisements
THE Zimbabwe Mercantile Exchange (ZMX) says it is set to benefit from the African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA)’s standardisation and mutual recognition of commodity grades, and prices.Advertisements
A GLOOMY investment environment, inadequate foreign exchange, and infrastructure bottlenecks have been noted as key variables weighing down confidence in the mining sector.Advertisements
Companies & Markets
Afdis’ turnover hits US$25,7 million
by Almot Maqolo, Staff Writer 0 minutes readAFRICAN Distillers Limited (Afdis) reported a US dollar turnover of US$25,7 million during the half year ended September 30, 2023, buoyed by competitive pricing and election spending.Advertisements
Companies & Markets
Tight liquidity chokes Steward’s income
by Mishma Chakanyuka, Staff Writer 0 minutes readSTEWARD Bank (Steward) recorded a 48 percent decline in net interest income to $10,5 billion for the half year ended August 31, 2023, owing to tight liquidity conditions.Advertisements