POSB says it is working on a line of credit for exporters with the African Export–Import Bank (Afreximbank) that could be worth up to US$15 million.Advertisements
National Report
Residential property dominates local realty
by Mishma Chakanyuka, Staff Writer 0 minutes readRESIDENTIAL property has remained the best-performing segment in Zimbabwe’s real estate sector amid housing shortages in the country, according to a new report.Advertisements
Top Stories
Zimbabwe and China citrus pact boosts horticulture
by Farai Mabeza, Senior Staff Writer 0 minutes readTRADE development and promotion body, ZimTrade, says the recent citrus trade protocol agreed between Zimbabwe and China can open up the Asian giant’s market for other horticulture products from Zimbabwe.Advertisements
Companies & Markets
Khayah embraces patriotism
by Emmerson Njanjamangezi, Group Features Editor 0 minutes readKHAYAH Cement, formerly Lafarge Cement, commissioned a new Vertical Cement Mill (VCM) at its Manresa plant. The mill is set to boost the company’s milling capacity, while also reducing production …
ZIMBABWE’S Energy ministry has urged investment in renewable energy saying the country’s current power generation mix between fossils and renewables is not optimal.Advertisements
National Report
Government targets pension funds boost in agriculture
by Farai Mabeza, Senior Staff Writer 0 minutes readPERMANENT secretary in the ministry of Agriculture, John Basera, says more needs to be done to rope in funding from pension funds in agriculture production.Advertisements
ANGLO American says platinum group metals (PGMs) output at Shurugwi-based Unki Mine increased two percent to 121 500 ounces in the first six months of 2023 from 119 600 ounces …
RAINBOW Tourism Group (RTG) says it spent $8,52 billion on local suppliers in 2022, representing a 1 200 percent increase from the $655,72 million spent in 2021.Advertisements
Companies & Markets
Meikles spends US$15mln on capex
by Mishma Chakanyuka, Staff Writer 0 minutes readMEIKLES says it spent approximately US$15 million on capital expenditure during the year ended February 28, 2023, all financed from internally generated cash flows.
HARARE should publish Zimdollar, US dollar and rand inflation alongside figures based on the blended consumer price index (CPI).Advertisements