BUSINESS leaders and economic experts say Zimbabwe’s economic woes could worsen as the South African rand weakens, reducing local industry’s competitiveness and draining foreign exchange from the economy, while widening …
Top Stories
Zimbabwe’s economic growth unstable — ZimStat
by Paul Nyakazeya, Group Digital Editor 0 minutes readZIMBABWE’S gross domestic product (GDP) growth rates were inconsistent over the period 2019-2022, the latest data from ZimStat shows.Advertisements
FINANCIAL services firm IH Securities says it expects to see a continuous correlation between money supply and stock prices on the Zimbabwe Stock Exchange (ZSE).Advertisements
Columns & CommentLegal Matters
LEGAL MATTERS: ‘Ego litigation’ & things that should not be litigated over
by Hilary Muzaby Hilary Muza 0 minutes readTHE law is often a serious endeavour because people’s livelihoods, freedom and reputations are often at stake. But sometimes lighter moments occur that remind us of what the law is …
Top Stories
‘Another public service wage increase imminent’
by Mishma Chakanyuka, Staff Writer 0 minutes readTHE government is likely to raise wages again for its workers in the short-term following the continued depreciation of the Zimbabwe dollar, local research firm IH Securities has said.Advertisements
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Lithium is keying up buoyancy in mining
by Emmerson Njanjamangezi, Group Features Editor 0 minutes readOPTIMISM is high among both authorities and analysts about the prospects of the country’s key mining industry.Advertisements
ZIMBABWE faces a risk of failing to carry out the necessary reforms for its debt resolution plans due to a number of hurdles, research firm Fitch Solutions has warned.Advertisements
A LACK of macroeconomic stability and policy credibility are Zimbabwe’s biggest hurdles in its de-dollarisation plan, a local research firm says.Advertisements
Companies & MarketsTop Stories
Zimplow regrouping after Caterpillar exit
by Mishma Chakanyuka, Staff Writer 0 minutes readZIMPLOW says it is reorganising its business after its distribution deal with leading earth-moving equipment brand, Caterpillar, was terminated last year, resulting in a $1,25 billion loss compared to a …
TRADE development and promotion body, ZimTrade recently concluded a market survey of Nigeria to explore export opportunities for Zimbabwean companies.Advertisements